Putting My Money Where My Mouth is and Working on Some Dinosaurs

I’ve done this before, but after much changing around in my hobby room I’ve misplaced my previously painted Dinos, and sparked on by my £5 wargaming challenge post I though I’d have a go again.

I went slightly over budget (£5.99, forgive me, I’ll say five ‘Hail Featherstones’), and nabbed a bag of small Dinos from Amazon.

Going over budget meant I didn’t want to spend anymore money, and stuck to hobby products that I thought would be reasonable for any person to already own (at least anyone that already does basic crafting).

Racking my brain as to how I was going to base my dinosaurs (to keep the two legged ones upright), I thought about using a glue gun. I put a splodge on a piece of grease proof paper, waited for it to go slightly off, and then pressed in my Dino of choice. After a couple of minutes the glue will be set and you can peel the Dino and base off. It worked surprisingly well:

From there I made a mix of brown paint and PVA glue and painted the bases (two coats did it):

The next step was to add sand or dirt to the bases using glue for texture (all basic stuff):

I also picked out horns and eyes with acrylic paint mixed with PVA glue to make sure it stuck to the figures.

Then everything got a coat of a simple black wash. That’s water, black paint, PVA glue and a tiny bit of washing up liquid.

I wanted to add flock, but thinking about keeping things as cheap as possible, I instead drybrushed parts of the bases with a light browny-green mix.

I’ve already got some rules to use:


They work rather well, and are pretty fun. I played with them not too long ago:


But knowing me, I’ll probably either rewrite/rework those rules for my new Dinos or, write something entirely new.

4 thoughts on “Putting My Money Where My Mouth is and Working on Some Dinosaurs

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