Something Wicked This Way Comes 2: Electric Boogaloo

I remember failing to make a Nurgle Plague Tower some time ago:

That project burned out for me, I think because I didn’t have too many skills yet in the trash bashing arena, but another attempt is bubbling away in the back of my brain. This time round however I set my sights on adding the Soul Grinder to my trash Nurgle army.

The force so far

Living near the seaside means big plastic crabs are plentiful on the local high street so I nipped out and grabbed one. I also gathered some of the spare baby heads I had left over from my beasts/spawn and a Barbie my wife bought me for Christmas:

hors d’oeuvres

The crab’s legs were somewhat floppy so I chopped them off and built a sturdier base I planned on hiding under a pile of rubble between the legs.

It’s important to dry fit your components.

I made the base out of a foam tile, and the pile of rubble, it was easy to work with and I didn’t have anything else to use.

With the crab’s legs glued back into place and with Barbie’s torso shoved into the top of the crab everything started taking shape. I knew I needed a gun and chopping up a Triceratops and shoving a marker lid down its gullet worked a treat.

I knew Barbie’s head wouldn’t do the trick but I had a spare bat skull from Halloween, the same bat whose rib cage and wings went into my Unclean One:

That bat was a particularly useful purchase!

Here’s where we were up to as a rough sketch:

I replaced Barbies arm with a sword made from the same foam tile as the base, and then I set about texturing everything.

I made extensive use of felt tip pens for vents and pipes down the back and filled a few gaps with Milliput.

Part way through painting I felt like it needed a little more textured , so I added more piping with hair bands and straps of fabric by cutting up a sock the dog had stolen.

My usual painting process ensued, very watered down splotches to base coat, washes and drybrushing.

Finished and in all her Nurgly glory!

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