Rawl Plug Ancients

Something on the stranger end of the spectrum here, but something I think has legs. This week I’ve been turning those Rawl Plugs you see in various shapes, colours and sizes into something you can game with.

As they do come in a number of shapes and sizes the particular one I’ve been using is as below:

I’ve found that if you cut the top two sections off you get a nice humanoid shape which when combined with a tiddlywink base and cocktail stick weapon looks something like an ancient warrior.

What you can see above, when painted and given a card shield I designed and printed out from my home printer resembles a Roman Legionnaire.

Several together, with flocked bases looks quite effective I think.

I also painted up a warband of Celts so the Romans have some opposition.

Both forces face off…

I think it’s time to give Stuart Asquith’s Ancient Rules a go. I’m also excited to consider further possibilities, considering a cocktail stick could also double as a musket or rifle. I should also mention that in the past I’ve used the same plugs for spaceships:

6 thoughts on “Rawl Plug Ancients

  1. It is a fascinating site, including very elaborately worked out ImagiNations to his own world map and some great photos of his logistics Units and formations spread out as they would be in real life.

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