Alternative Armies Corporate Ashigaru and Post Apocalyptic Warriors

I’ve been feverishly painting and rules writing again. When I started counting how many miniatures I had painted this year I didn’t expect to go over 1000! But thinking about it I probably also should have kept count of how many rule sets I was going to write too. Needless to say I’ve now lost count of exact figures painted so my totals at the end of this post will be rough estimates. But here’s some more:

The Corporate Ashigaru are great little figures from Alternative Armies. This little pack only costs £8.95 and contains 19 figures, two of which are casualties which I haven’t yet painted but will make great objective markers. Here’s a few pictures of some figures up close:

I like the inclusion of support figures, such as the medic and a radio operator, thinking up rules to simulate the effects of these characters is all part of the fun.

To oppose them I picked up a Post Apocalyptic Warband. Priced currently at £9.00 and containing 16 miniatures this little pack would be a great way to get into post apocalyptic gaming. Since there’s two quite different leader miniatures included you could make two smaller opposing forces out of a single pack. Some of my favourites are below:

The guy with the hockey mask and RPG is a particular favourite.

Rules wise I initially made things overly complicated so probably won’t be posting them here. I’ll probably fall back on a variant of Donald Featherstone’s Close Wars. Simple and relaxed gaming is best I feel.

Anyway figures bought and painted this year (now rough estimates):

Bought: 1000

Painted: 1100

6 thoughts on “Alternative Armies Corporate Ashigaru and Post Apocalyptic Warriors

  1. Over 1,000 minis painted in a year is an incredible achievement! The most important thing (for me) is to paint more than you buy, and I see you did that too!

  2. I do love alternative armies for all the quirks they put into their minis! I’ll soon be painting up a humanoid octopus in a boiler suit who appears to be playing bagpipes.

  3. Thanks. They’re all citadel. The greens are their orky green colours – waaagh flesh, warboss green, skarsnik green. The flesh is just a bone colour washed with Agrax Earthshade (can’t remember specifics) and the silver and gold I think are retributor armour and lead belcher again washed with agrax. Hope that helps!

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