
With Orctober upon us I went about looking for Orcs to paint up and enter into the various Orctober painting competitions you see around on the web. Alternative Armies is always a go to for me if I’m in the mood for a characterful figure.

However in this instance I went to Essex Miniatures and grabbed some of their Orcs instead. Sculpted by possibly my favourite miniature sculptor Bob Olley they are a real treat:

Interestingly the underside of their bases say they were sculpted in 1986, but according to the Lost Minis Wiki Olley joined Essex in 1987.

They’re highly detailed, a little cartoony (which is perfect) and well textured. There’s a fuzziness to the skin I’ve not seen on other manufacturers orcs.

I’m really looking forward to painting them up, but have been so busy with life I have barely made it to the painting desk!

2 thoughts on “Orctober

  1. I think I recall the 86 release, which were described in a review somewhere as “cuddly lizard men” these look like an improvement. No scales!

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