Dino-Wars v3

Note: The following rules are in development and may be hard to read or understand, this is because they are based on notes and written in the stupid way my own brain works, I am currently working on a tidied-up version, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to have fun with them!


Players roll off to see who deploys their dinosaurs first. The first player to place a dinosaur must place it within 6” of a board edge, this then becomes their board edge, and all of their subsequent dinosaurs must be deployed within 6” of that edge. Once all of their dinosaurs are placed, then their opponent must deploy all of their dinosaurs within 6” of the opposite board edge. Any objective markers are then deployed. Then feeding points are placed (feeding points are further explained in ‘Ferocity’ below). There is always one feeding point in the centre of the board which can be used by both carnivores and herbivores, and then two others are placed in each board half, one for herbivores, one for carnivores. You place the markers in your opponents half of the board, they must be within 18” of the centre feeding point.


Ferocity is a commodity you can spend in the game to boost your dinosaurs actions. One point of Ferocity generally adds a die to a roll, but it can also have other effects. You can only ever spend 1 ferocity at a time, you can never spend multiple points to effect the outcome of anything. At the start of the game you have 1 Ferocity in your Ferocity Pool per dinosaur under your control. One ferocity can be added to your pool in game by killing an enemy dinosaur with a combat action, or having a dinosaur within 3” of a relevant feeding point (carnivore or herbivore) with no opposing dinosaurs within 3” of that point or in base to base contact with your dinosaur at the end of the turn.


Players roll 1D6 each. The player with the lower die roll goes first, they can perform a number of actions with their dinosaurs equal to the value they rolled. Then the other player activates their dinosaurs. Players can increase the number of actions available to them after the roll off by 1 by spending a point of ferocity, you can only do this once per turn. Any single dinosaur can perform multiple actions up to their stamina rating. A single dino can perform 1 additional action more than their stamina by spending 1 ferocity.


Compare the combat values of the attacking and defending dinosaurs. If the defending dinosaur is ‘down’ it’s combat value is halved. The attacking dinosaur’s combat value is modified as follows:

+1 for charging (see movement below).

+1 for attacking from a higher elevation.

+1 for attacking a dinosaur with a non-weaponised tail in the rear.

+1 for having more than 1 dinosaur in base to base contact with the defending dinosaur.

+1 if you spend 1 ferocity (you can only spend 1 ferocity per attack).

Once any applicable modifiers are added to the attackers combat value consult the table below to find out the number of dice the attacker and defender will roll to resolve the attack:

Defender Double or more than Attacker 1 3
Defender Larger but not Double 2 3
Attacker and Defender Equal 2 2
Attacker Larger than Defender, but not double 3 2
Attacker double or more than defender. 3 1

The dinosaur that scores the highest single die roll wins combat. If a ‘down’ dinosaur loses combat by any amount it is killed.

If the roll is a draw or the attacking dinosaur loses then there is no effect on either dinosaur.

If the attacking dinosaur wins by:

+1 – Knockback – the player in control of the attacking dino can move the defending dino 3” in any direction and pivot it to face any direction. Your opponent also loses 1 point of ferocity.

+2 – Downed – the player in control of the attacking dino can move the defending dino 3” in any direction and lay it on its side. A downed dino must spend 1 action to stand back up before it does anything else and to no longer suffer the effects of being downed.

+3 or more – Killing Blow – When a dinosaur suffers a killing blow its natural protection still may save it, roll a die, if it is equal to or below the dinos protection value (maximum of 5), then the dinosaur is saved from the Killing blow and carries on as normal. If not then the dinosaur is killed, remove it from play. You cannot effect the protection roll with ferocity.

You can opt to take a lesser result, so if you score 3 more than your opponent when making an attack you can still select Downed or Knockback, rather than Killing Blow.


Your dinosaur rolls 1D6 per point of speed and totals them for its move distance. You can add an additional die by spending 1 ferocity. If your dino makes it into base to base contact with an enemy dino your dino is charging and can immediately perform a combat action for free. Your dino must move in a straight line when moving, but can pivot any number of degrees around any single point on its base at either the start or end of its movement (not both).

A dinosaur cannot move through solid objects (duh) or other dinosaurs, unless it can fly over them, and any single inch of movement through rough terrain costs the dino two inches of its movement (again unless it can fly over the terrain).


If your dinosaur is in base to base contact with an opposing dino they cannot simply use a move action to move away from their enemy, they risk being attacked as they escape. Roll a die for each dino, your dino attempting to escape and their attacker, adding their speed values. If your dino attempting to escape scores higher then they can make a move action for free. If they do not they cannot move away. In either case attempting to break from combat counts as 1 action.


Your dinosaur’s cost is the total of its stats. Speed can be a maximum of 4, stamina 6, combat 10 and protection 5.

Dinosaurs with weaponised tails or that can fly cost 1 additional point.


The game should be played on a 4’x4’ table or area. There are two overall objectives which are rolled for and both must be different, and then each side has a single unique objective, although depending on their roll the player’s unique objectives may be the same. Each objective achieved scores 1 point, and a player wins the game when they have scored 3 points, or their opponent has no more dinosaurs in play. Roll for objectives and twists before deployment.


1 Domination – Place 2 objectives, 1 either side of the centre point on the board along the centre line between the two opposing halves of the table. At the end of each turn if a player is holding more objectives than their opponent then they score 1 point. To hold an objective you must have a dino within 3” of it, and have no opposing dinosaurs within 3” of that same objective.
2 Infiltration – The first player to get half of their dinosaurs (or remaining dinosaurs and rounding up for odd numbers) into their opponent’s deployment zone scores 1 point.
3 Destruction – The first player to wipe out half of their opponent’s dinosaurs scores 1 point.
4 Gargantuan – Place a large model in the centre of the table with high stats, the first player to kill that dinosaur scores 1 point. A Gargantuan gets D6 actions at the end of each turn, it moves directly towards the nearest dinosaur and attacks it continually until that dinosaur is killed before moving on to the next nearest dinosaur.
5 Bleed – The first time you kill one of your opponent’s dinosaurs you score 1 point.
6 Eggs – Each player places one objective in their own deployment zone. If you can get any of your dinos into base to base contact with the objective in your opponents deployment zone, and there are no opposing dinosaurs within 3” you score 1 point. If your eggs are destroyed by lava your opponent scores 1 point.


1-2 Assassinate – If your opponent’s highest points cost dinosaur is killed, then you score 1 point. If your opponent has multiple with the same highest points cost they select which specific dinosaur will be your target at the start of the game.
3-4 Escape – If you can get your lowest points cost dinosaur (currently in play if your original is killed) into your opponent’s deployment zone and then off of the board you score 1 point. The dinosaur takes no part in the remainder of the game, but does not count as being killed for objective purposes.
5-6 Call of the young – Your opponent places a baby dinosaur in their deployment zone, the baby cannot be the target of any attacks. The baby moves 1D6” at the end of each turn in a random direction. If one of your dinosaurs makes it into base to base contact with the baby you score 1 point. If the baby is killed by lava your opponent redeploys the baby in their deployment zone.


Twists can be added to the game for variety. Roll on the table below for a random twist, or simply select one you’d like. Alternatively you can play an apocalyptic scenario with all the twists at once.

1 Meteor Shower – Roll a die for each dino at the end of each turn, on a 6 that dino must make a protection roll if it fails then the dino is downed.
2 Lava Flow – Starting from a random (non-starting) board edge at the end of each turn the lava advances D6”. Any dino caught in the lava is killed.
3 Desperation – Resources are scarce so dinosaurs fight harder than normal – +1 is Downed, +2 Killing Blow.
4 Starvation – At the end of each turn roll a die for each carnivore, on a 6 that dino makes a standard move towards the nearest herbivore (friend or foe) and if it makes it into base to base contact makes a charging combat action.
5 Pteradon Attack – At the end of each turn roll a die for each dino. On a 5+ they are attacked by a combat 2 Pteradon.
6 Quake – At the end of each turn roll a die for each dino, on a 6 that dino is killed.