Monsters, Mutants and Mayhem

Back on the Crusading front, I’ve been working away at some new figures and ideas.

With the number of dragons I’ve somehow accumulated, I thought it’d be a good idea to mount a bad guy on one. I gave him an overly sized masking tape axe, the sign of a true bad guy.

Textured and painted up, I’m looking forward to seeing him lead the hordes of evil. I’ve dubbed him the ‘Hellmaster’ and his steed the ‘Darkbeast’.

I’ve also textured and repainted a Papo dragon my wife put in my stocking last Christmas. I wanted to pay homage to the old ‘Knights of the Sword’ dragon.

I also picked up a box of unicorns from my local B&M discount shop, and they were the perfect size to use for good guy cavalry:

I’ve got three others without wings, but now I’ve run out of cavalry figures to put on them.

I’ve also also been chopping up bugs and gluing them to knights in order to create some chaotic mutants:

I’m not quite finished painting these guys, and for some bizarre reason I’ve decided to attempt non-metallic metals on their armour:

I’m really looking forward to getting this all to the table and rolling some dice.

I am currently mulling over the rules, the polygonal system is great but it lacks the room for expansion. I’m also aware that the system as simple as it is lacks the rock/paper/scissors style of game that appeals to Warhammer fans (myself included).

I’ve got a rough idea in mind. I’m thinking that a unit will have a number of attacks which you roll D6s for and an attack profile – normally that’ll be 1-3s are misses, and 4s, 5s and 6s will be hits (6s probably 2 hits). The hits will be split between different damage types – physical, magical and spiritual. So for a particular unit a 4 might be a magical hit, a 5 and a 6 physical hits. Then the target will get different saves for the different damage types. A ghost or demon for example may be particularly good at avoiding physical damage (2+), average against magical damage (4+) but weak against spiritual damage (6+). I think that’ll keep things simple and interesting enough for now.

Also I think this game needs a proper name I can get behind. Calling it the ‘Crusade’ doesn’t really work. I need something like Deathzap. Ideas in the comments please.

5 thoughts on “Monsters, Mutants and Mayhem

  1. The purple NMM came out really sharp. I’ve been following your stuff for a while and I like seeing what kinds of monstrosities can be made from discount store items and toys

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