
Continuing my fantasy crusade project I’m now calling ‘Crusage’, that’s Crus-age, the age of crusading. I’ve had my Pegasus Cavalry and Rocket Battery on the painting table, and managed to get the Battery finished this morning: It’s already been pressed into service and proved rather effective at dispatching the forces of evil (you can see […]

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Monsters, Mutants and Mayhem

Back on the Crusading front, I’ve been working away at some new figures and ideas. With the number of dragons I’ve somehow accumulated, I thought it’d be a good idea to mount a bad guy on one. I gave him an overly sized masking tape axe, the sign of a true bad guy. Textured and […]

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The Big Battle

So I finally managed to get my new armies to the table and let them have a go at each other! The ‘Good Guys’ were as follows: That’s 5 Templars, 5 Handgunners, 5 Grenadiers, 5 Shining Templars, 2 Nephilim and a Warpriest. The ‘Bad Guys’: 5 Devildogs, 10 Wraiths, 5 Hellknights, 5 Sauracens, a Golem, […]

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A Cheap Wargaming Challenge

With Games Workshop (or are they just Warhammer now?) putting up prices again, hobby spaces online are flooded with negative comments. Considering Warhammer figures are already overpriced, you can understand the complaints. But this blog isn’t about expensive hobbying, it’s about doing it on the cheap. So here’s a question, how cheap can it be? […]

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A Necromancer and a Golem

I must be tapping into something here, it is odd for a wargamer as stricken with butterfly-ism as badly as I am to find as much continued focus on a single project as this. Although truth be told, my childhood collection of Britain’s ‘Knights of the Sword’ bought from Kettering’s town market may have something […]

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Good vs Evil

Progress has been slow again this last week, mostly due to me coming down with man flu. However I have finished a surprising amount off considering how bad I’ve felt. I spoke last time about expanding my forces and expand I did! Working first on my evil forces, as stated before I rebased and touched […]

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Expanding My Crusade

I’m still playing with my Templars and horrors despite a slow hobby week. As you’ll notice the demonic forces gained a dragon, a heavy hitter to counter that Nephilim. Unfortunately for the demons however, the Templars have brought another Nephilim to bear. This one particularly penitent: I hope to get him painted over the next […]

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The Holy Abomination

‘There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.’ Genesis 6:4 I’ve been having fun thinking about the Crusade my Templars […]

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Templars vs Sauracens

I’ve had a couple of bags of the ‘bad’ knights for a while. I’ve used up a few for Wartomata in Deathzap: But that uses up very few, and I hate seeing poor quality toy soldiers go to waist. I imagined a portal to Hell or a parallel dimension opening up during the Crusades. So […]

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Deathzap 3 – 2nd Edition

Deathzap 3 was probably my favourite of the ‘simpler’ versions of the game. I like to imagine it as that easy to learn, difficult to master type thing, but you’ll always have rose tinted glasses when it comes to your own games. I played a game this morning of the latest version I could find, […]

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Cheap Box City in a Box

Terrain is a struggle for any wargamer, and especially for wargamers as eclectic as me. It’s not really possible to collect terrain for every era and fantasy world in every scale from 2mm to 54mm. My biggest issue is the space required, so I came up with a potentially useful solution. Children’s stacking boxes can […]

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England Invaded

My attempts at sticking to a few things this year are once again frustrated. Maybe a better New Year’s resolution is to not restrict yourself to one or a few projects at all, but just let yourself go nuts. While putting some much needed washing in the machine, I saw a A5 rulebook jammed in […]

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I think it’s important to know with a project when you’re done. Sometimes a painting is finished before you choose to stop, and the paint you added after that point only served to make things worse. The same goes for miniature painting. Films and books can sometimes be over-written, too clever, too well structured that […]

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I’ve been playing with SKIRMASH over the past few days and it’s been a lot of fun. My initial idea with SKIRMASH was a quick and easy skirmish game that balanced itself. Here are the original rules I posted in a single image: The way it works with SKIRMASH is the stats work like double […]


The Small Skirmish Obsession

So I’ve recovered from the plague, and in a post fevered state threw together yet another small skirmish game. I suppose you can blame this on the fact that Darkfell was really designed to be a Mordheim replacement and for some reason I’ve been playing it with superhero-ish figures, the two just don’t quite fit […]

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Deceptively Difficult Deployment

I’ve been working on my first version of WOTH (War of the Hominids), a simple game where you take 6 apemen and make them fight your opponent’s 6 apemen. It’s all lobbing rocks and ripping arms off. I’ve mostly cracked the core of the game, with a small niggle regarding ‘objectives’ (if apemen even have […]

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Returning to Darkfell

Darkfell is my own Mordheim, with a sort of ‘anything goes’ vibe. Medieval armour, 20th century guns, magic, alchemy and cyborgs. I’ve posted a few times on Darkfell before, and much like Deathzap written several rule sets for the setting. The last rule set I put together I called ‘The Wager’, and you can find […]

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Easy Tabletop Hominids

So I’ve had a bag of crappy army men I’ve been looking to do something with for a while. I’ve also wanted a game about the various hominid cryptids, Sasquatch, Yeti and my personal favourite the Skunk Ape. Picking out some of the open poses I cut off the guns and gave them a wash. […]

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